Monday 9 July 2012

Places to work for Women in UAE

Women are allowed to practice the following professions from 10:00 pm
to 7:00 am:
- Working in hotels, restaurants, inns, cafes, buffets, theatres, movie
theatres, halls of music and singing and other similar shops.
- Working in transporting persons and goods by interior water routes or
by air including the offices of tourism and airlines and in airports.
- Procedures of the annual stocktaking, setting up the budget and
clearance, closing accounts and getting always ready for selling in low
prices and opening seasons. In this case, it is conditioned that the
days of work, in which women are allowed to work at night, mustn’t
exceed more than fifteen days in a year except if the special labour
department gives license for longer periods.
- If the job aims preventing a dangerous accident to happen or
restoring what is resulted from it, or avoiding an inevitable loss of
some materials which may become spoiled.
- If the job aims facing an extra ordinary pressure of work. In the last
two cases it is conditioned informing the special department of labour
inspection of the statement of the extraordinary case within 24 hours
and the requires period for the job so as to get a written approval from
- Working in the commercial shops in the month of Ramadan and the
three days which precede the Greater Bairam “Eid Al Adha”.
- Working in hospitals, sanitariums, doctors’ clinics and other treatment

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